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Selectmen's Minutes 2013/01/08

7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Present: Fred Gallup Chairman, Suzanne Gottling, Shane Hastings, Joshua Trow and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager
Also Present: See Sign-in Sheet
Absent: Emma Smith Vice Chairman

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 6:30PM
Motion to approve the following CZC’s:
Parcel ID: 0146-0039-0000 9 Bay Point Lane Lode Devlaminck & Susan Iserbyt
Parcel ID: 0120-0014-0000 7 Scott’s Cove Road Robert Cavicchio
Parcel ID: 0232-0010-0000 209 Route 103 Jolyon Johnson
Parcel ID: 0106-0034-0000 12 Sunny Knoll Herbert Stiles III
By Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Hastings. All in Favor
Motion to approve the following Demo Permit:
Parcel ID: 0132-0034-0001 Lois Gould 477 Route 11
By Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor
Motion to approve the following Intent to Cut:
Parcel ID: 0224-0007-0000 101 Sleeper Road Harriett Colby
By Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow. All in Favor

Chief Dan Ruggles got a price of $3,000 for engine #3 and would like to sell it. Motion to allow Chief Dan Ruggles to sell engine #3 for $3,000 by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow. All in Favor.

Donna Nashawaty went over the Board of Selectmen meeting schedule for the upcoming year with the Board. The next scheduled Board of Selectmen’s meeting will be on Monday, January 28th and continue every other Monday throughout the year. Donna Nashawaty reviewed the handouts  

Library Bond Public Hearing opened at 7:00PM
Abbott Library Chairman Terri White reviewed the 2013 warrant article details for the $975,000 library bond.  
Library Bond Public Hearing closed at 7:09PM

Selectman Gottling suggested since county happenings will vary depending on what is going on and the time of year that it could be under old business on the Board of Selectmen’s agenda.
Chairman Gallup stated that he started receiving the legislative bulletins, which is a good source to keep you informed on what is going on in Concord. Donna Nashawaty asked what committee Representative Gottling would be serving on and her reply was the resources committee.  
Donna Nashawaty received a call from New London Hospital regarding the town’s ambulance service. The cost will be the rate charged last year, plus 2% and the reserve discussion will be “put on the back burner” for this upcoming year. Donna Nashawaty put $40,000 in this year’s budget, now that amount will be $35,995. The Hospital Finance Officer would like to have a meeting with Donna Nashawaty and Chairman Gallup regarding contract dates. Donna Nashawaty will schedule the meeting. Chairman Gallup updated the audience on the ambulance negotiations.      
David Bailey, Superintendent of the Water and Sewer Department updated the Board
 on the Treatment Plant and Perkins Pond project.
Chairman Gallup read the elected positions that are open this year.

Town Budget Hearing opened at 7:30PM
Donna Nashawaty gave a presentation on the 2013 town budget and operating budget process. The operating budget for 2013 general government is $4,521,156. Additional operating budget for enterprise funds-water/sewer/hydroelectric is $1,548,170. The total for warrant article #12 is $6,069,326. The default budget is $6,021,716.
Town Budget Hearing closed at 8:22PM

Motion to recommend Article 11 (Library Bond) by Selectman Gottling seconded by Selectman Hastings. All in Favor

Motion to recommend Article 16 (Fire Apparatus Capital Reserve) by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor.

Motion to recommend Article 17 (Highway & Transfer Equipment Capital Reserve) Selectman Hastings seconded by Selectman Trow. All in Favor.

Motion to recommend Article 19 (Town Bridges Capital Reserve) by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Trow. All in Favor.

Motion to recommend Article 20 (Maintenance Town Buildings Fund Capital Reserve) by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Hastings. All in Favor.

Motion to recommend Article 21(Conservation Commission Fund)  by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Trow. 2 in Favor 2 Against. After some discussion, the Board agreed to accept a suggested amount of $25,000. It was noted that the Conservation Commission can go with the warrant article of $45, 235, but the Board of Selectmen will not recommend it. Motion to offer Conservation Commission a warrant article for $25,000 with the Board of Selectmen’s recommendation by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Hastings. All in Favor.

Motion to recommend Article 22 (Cemetery Expendable Trust) by Selectman Trow, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor.

Motion to recommend Article 23 (Milfoil Control Fund) by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Hastings All in Favor.

Motion to recommend Article 24 (Used Highway Equipment Capital Reserve) by Selectman Hastings, seconded by Selectman Trow.  All in Favor.

Motion to recommend Article 25 (Harbor House Livery Capital Reserve) by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Hastings. All in Favor.

Donna Nashawaty asked the Board to look at the article 13 (Paving Program) and make comments. Selectman Trow stated it did not make sense to him, which Selectman Hastings and Gottling agreed. After discussion, Donna Nashawaty will revise the language to make the article clearer to the voter. Donna Nashawaty asked the Board if they would like her to reduce the amount in article #12 (Operating Budget) in light of the ambulance contract change.   
Motion to reduce the operating budget and default budget by $4,000 to reflect the ambulance change by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Hastings. All in Favor.

The Board discussed the dedication and town report cover.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:24PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Emma Smith, Vice Chairman

_________________________               _____________________________
Shane Hastings                                  Suzanne H. Gottling

_________________________               _____________________________
Joshua Trow